HOSP Perspectives
HOSP Senate 340B Working Group RFI Response
HOSP continues to advocate for support of the 340B program for its members. On April 01, HOSP submitted comments [...]
HOSP Comments on Senate 340B Working Group
HOSP continues to advocate for support of the 340B program for its members. On July 28, HOSP submitted comments [...]
HOSP stands against the most recent restrictions implemented by Johnson & Johnson
HOSP stands against the most recent restrictions implemented by Johnson & Johnson that will severely limit access to 340B discounts [...]
February 2023 testimony for the New York Health Hearing Budget
Health System Owned Specialty Pharmacy Alliance (HOSP) is a network of leading health systems and the businesses that support [...]
HOSP Letters to AM Paulin and Senator Rivera
The HOSP Alliance remains steadfast in its commitment to improved patient outcomes and advocating for industry best practices that [...]
A Case Study with Fairview Health Services: Fairview Specialty Pharmacy has the Prescription for Platform Integration
Integration of specialty pharmacy patient information across the pharmacy dispensing system, electronic medical record (EMR), patient communications application and [...]