Introduction and HOSPE Accreditation Overview
Mission and Goal of HOSPE Accreditation
Health-System Owned Specialty Pharmacies for Excellence (HOSPE) develops standard best practices and accreditation programs to ensure that onsite specialty pharmacy operations deliver integrated and coordinated care excellence. HOSPE strives to:
- develop, maintain and support full integration of patient care from medication distribution to personalized physician oversight and care;
- promote exchange of ideas across membership for best practices and statistical outcomes of member research;
- develop and support accreditation programs relating to the health-system industry to ensure and/or facilitate best practices and;
- develop and maintain distinctive trademarks to create high public awareness of, demand for, and confidence in HOSPE-accredited health-systems.
Steps to Achieve Accreditation
The accreditation process consists of three parts:
- Accreditation of the health-system itself
- Agreement to logo usage and
- Payment of accreditation fees.
To initiate the accreditation process, the health-system must fully complete and sign the HOSPE accreditation application below.
Instructions for Completing HOSPE Accreditation Application
Complete the application in full, fields marked with an asterisk are required.
The application provides tables and guidance for health-system owned specialty pharmacies to use in applying for HOSPE accreditation. It should be completed fully. This will help provide reasonable assurance that a consistent level of quality is present among HOSPE accredited health-system owned specialty pharmacies.